You know there is every kind of internet marketer out there. But have you asked yourself what is the real one. I mean the one who sticks with you after he sold you a program or software. The one who goes with you through all the process of teaching and showing you what you have to do and how to do it?
If you really brainwash yourself you will find out that there are very few, or maybe you haven’t come across one. Let me ask you how many programs and software and e-books have you bought? And tell me after buying the stuff how many people are really cared about you? I think when you answer to yourself the question you have to admit that there were only few or none am I right? I thought so…It is easy to sell something but it is very, very difficult to find someone who cares about you. I would call this the real customer-service; yes you heard it that is customer service because the people who sell and don’t look after you are people who like to sell and nothing more. They don’t care if you buy only once because you most likely will never go back to that seller again at least I wouldn’t. You know what is worse they give you an address and sometimes a phone number and when writing or calling you only get an answer-machine without any reply.
But if you have someone offering you for what you buy a FREE training and not only a few hours, no I mean over weeks and where you can ask all your questions and doubts and you’ll get an answer would you buy from that guy again…I certainly would.
You know there is so much crab in the internet and most of it isn’t worse the money they ask for. I have attended now for quite a few days the FREE training from Gary and I only can tell you that I never have seen something like that in my whole business career. I never have seen a person with such a dedication and energy to get you on your feed and to show you what to do and how to do it. I have learned within those days more about the internet marketing and advertising than anywhere else. No seminar no other course has showed me that much what
You know the value of a sales person or teacher or what ever you deal with is the dedication after the sale and this is true in online or in offline business. You will have better customers if you care about them that they feel comfortable with you and secure and they know when they call they will have someone on the line to give an answer.
So, when you buy the next time something always keep in mind the question: “will I have attention after buying the merchandise”. I know this is difficult to answer but at least try to select more carefully.
To your business success
Talk to you soon