Sunday, May 4, 2008
Managing A Family Business
Business and personal matters are hard to combine but in a family business, owners are forced to deal with both personal and professional issues at the same time. This situation leads to pressure on the part of the business owner to perform according to the expectations of his family and sometimes, it hinders him from doing what is necessary to improve business operations. In addition, he is also pressured to make decisions that are acceptable to all members of his family to be able to enjoy a harmonious relationship at home.
However, it is important to realize managing a business in today’s environment is not that simple. There are times when difficult decisions need to be made to ensure the survival and the profitability of the business. So whether it is a family owned business or not, the business should be managed as a serious enterprise and not something that is just founded as a hobby because this will surely lead to failure if it is not properly managed.
It is also important to tackle the issue of succession in the business especially if the owner of the business has more than one child. There had been a lot of cases wherein the children of the owner fight over the ownership of the business because the owner did not make it clear who will own the business after he has passed away. Now, everyone wants to avoid this scenario and the truth this, avoiding these kinds of situations can just be a matter of planning. Having a defined succession guide will enable all the children to live harmoniously with one another while helping the business success.
There should also be a designated leader whom everyone should be able to respect and obey in the business. The leader should also be capable and can make sound business decision. This is because if he turns out to be incompetent, other family members can feel that they could have handled the situation better themselves and you want to avoid this scenario as much as possible.
But even if the all members of the family do succeed in having a good business relationship though, it is still recommended that they separate business from personal matters. This will enable them to make decisions without bias for the betterment of the business. In addition, separating the personal from the professional will make business owners more flexible in making decisions at the workplace.
Probably the most important thing in managing a family business properly though, is ensuring that the whole family will have a good relationship that will last even if the business doesn’t. Ultimately, family is still more important than the business because the business can be replaced but your family cannot be replaced.
Anton Winkler
Saturday, May 3, 2008
The Secret Of How Not To Interact With A Qualified Network Marketing Sales Lead
Dear Reader and Friend
Network marketers are only looking for leads. The fact is that are thousands or millions of leads around but even so it is difficult to find a qualified lead. It takes time to extract this qualified lead out from the mass of other leads for your business and integrate it into your marketing network. When you have this lead integrated into your marketing network you than can make it shine for your purpose. But in order to make it shine there are some tricks and tips to observe on how to accomplish. There is an endless amount of information on a daily basis but all of them revolve about how to persuade any individual to buy from your company or to get him into your company and then you can offer him every time your product and this way pull out money like a money printer.
But is that really the case? Do most internet marketers, because of their need to pull money, forget that not everybody likes to be bombarded with all the information every day? It is good to be aggressive in the internet marketing but should there be also considered that not everybody likes to have all that crab in their daily mail? As a marketer you also have to consider the human side of your prospect and customer. All this composed information tells you how to persuade your customer you pull out his purse and how to attack him to pay you. But there is little being said about how not to interact with a qualified network marketing sales lead.
Sure, some training material will go so far as to advise you to know or to learn your material and not try to pull on over on the prospective lead; but even this is valuable advise it doesn’t tell you or give you a list of items to avoid. The list of how not to interact with a prospect in the network marketing sales is relatively short.
1. Stay away from race, color, creed, nationality, and gender. It really does not matter if you personally believe that women make better salespeople than men, or that religious folks are more honest in their business dealings than those who do not profess any belief; even so it is not always the truth. These type of believes are sometimes very offensive and even your most qualified prospect will certainly not want to be caught up doing business with someone she or he perceives to be some kind of a fanatic.
2. The failure to present the company’s information from a different angle than the one used in the marketing brochures. This false or incorrect interpretation of your marketing brochures will give your prospect the impression that you are not a serious marketer or that you don’t know the printed facts and therefore lead to an insult of the lead’s intelligence.
3. Don’t answer your cell phone as you are spending time with your prospect; even if it might be a potential customer calling. Let always your prospect feel that he or she is the most important person in your universe. Your prospect needs this feeling of trust in order to integrate in your down line. He needs to feel that you care for him or her. Every prospect without this trust is difficult to convince to stay in your business.
4. Do not flaunt your wealth. Dress nice and do not show off with a Cartier watch of Armani suit. Just be normal and show your prospect discreetly what your business can do for a dedicated person without actually calling any overt attention to it.
5. But do not meet with your prospect as though you are unsuccessful. That means that you show up with cut off jeans, sneakers with holes, unwashed hair, and a free ball point pen from a hotel. This exposure of you will not inspire confidence to a person who is thinking of signing on as your network marketing sales lead. You as an entrepreneur, business person or sales agent, need to dress your part. Clothes make the man or woman.
To your online success
Anton Winkler