Wednesday, June 25, 2008

What Do You Need For Your Internet Marketing Business?

Dear Reader and Friend

Today I was pleasantly surprised. I'm not a soccer-fan; I live
outside my home country, besides my brothers and sister I have
really no connection to my homeland.

But even so I feel very happy today, you might say Anton what was it
what make you so happy...the reason why I am so happy today is that
the German soccer team won her game and they are now in the Finals.

Anton, but what has that to do with internet marketing...I tell you what
every sport has a certain relationship with internet marketing.

You have to give your best to finish as a winner and not as a loser...
Being in the Semifinals and lose a game is not really a loser you might say,
I tell you what the loser can still be a winner in the next game but the next
game is for third place and forth place...and not for the first place
the "European Champion."

You see the difference...between losing and winning a game?

I don't really know what happened in the mind of these eleven
player...but certainly they don't think in losing or the
opponent is difficult to manage or the task is impossible to achieve no
...they certainly think...- we will win today...

This is a Challenge..."The winners must have two things...definite goals
and a burning desire to achieve them."

While most people are dreaming of wake-up and work
hard to achieve it.

This is what separates a winner from a loser.

The same happens in internet be successful

you have to give your best...

you cannot give up...

you cannot think it will happen by itself without doing anything...

you have to work hard to achieve it...

you need a definite goal and the passion to achieve it...

you need the burning desire to achieve your goal...

and you need a plan, or strategy you won't achieve anything...
without a plan you are walking in circles. You never get toward
your goal.

Don't be a perfectionist...a perfectionist is a person who never
gets started. He tries to have everything perfect...but he never
takes action to start with something.

A successful entrepreneur is an action taker.

Take action with your affiliate program or products...

Take action losing weight...

Take action to start with your fitness workout...

Take action to start with your diet program

Take action with what ever you have in mind...but do it.

You will benefit from taking action today and you will be
a fulfilled person in the near future. Because you took action
today and you will see the result tomorrow.

To your online success.

Talk to you soon.

Anton Winkler
"The Happy Internet Marketer"

"Change Your Life And Make The Journey To Health And Success"

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