Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Writing Articles to Build Your List

Dear Reader and Friend

There are many ways to build your list. Article writing is one of the easiest and most effective ways. It is also free....now THERE is a word most Internet marketers just love! FREE! Free advertising....Free list building....Free credibility building...and all of them can be accomplished at the same time and by using only the knowledge that you already have about your niche topic and your computer.

The Internet isn’t called the “Information Super Highway” for nothing. It’s called that because it is the place that most of the civilized world uses to get the information they need to help them look better, feel better, have more fun, get vital information, or just learn the ‘stuff’ they want to know. The Internet gobbles up information like a pig at a trough. Website owners and ezine publishers scramble for information to fill their web pages and their publications on every topic under the sun. This is where using article writing to build your opt-in list comes in.

Write articles that are between 300 and 800 words long and that are key-word rich about whatever the topic of your website is. At the bottom of the article, include a resource box that includes your name and copyright information and a link to your website. Other website owners and ezine publishers will reprint your article and publish it to their websites or lists.

Presto! You have gotten free advertising and the possibility of having every person who reads the article click on the link to your website and sign into your opt-in list. You are also building credibility. Credibility is as vital as an opt-in list in Internet marketing.

Writing articles and submitting them to article banks is one of the easiest ways of building your opt-in list and it is absolutely free! Another nice benefit is that the directories themselves are spidered by the major search engines, sometimes several times a day. Your link in your article on the directory site provides a conduit leading the search engines to your site more quickly, thus getting your site into the search engines that much quicker. And the sooner the engines are sending you more targeted traffic, the more opt-ins you’re getting from that traffic.

So be sure to use that one-two punch from articles to build your list faster, starting today!

Author's Name: Anton Winkler S.

Authors Resource Box

Anton Winkler is owner of antonw.webbizoffers.com and writes on different subjects to help people to get started with their business. To learn more about the topics Anton suggests you visit his blog "Anton's Internet News" at: http://antonw.myccblog.com/

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